9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (2024)

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes to try on a busy weeknight. They are all delicious, smooth, and creamy. All done in just 30 minutes with almost no hands-on cooking.

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (1)

Risotto is usually something people order at the restaurants. It’s delicious and it’s fancy.

Risotto is something that people rarely make at home and if they do, it’s usually for a special occasion because risotto notoriously requires a long time to make and that time has to be spent at the stove stirring the pot.

But what if I said to you that you could make risotto in just 30 minutes and you don’t have to even watch the pan? Yes, you read it right!

Instant Pot Risotto tastes just like the conventional stove-top risotto: smooth, creamy, delicious. But it requires almost no hands-on cooking except for the initial measuring and preparing of the ingredients. And the whole meal is done in just half an hour, making it an ideal weeknight dinner.

Here I have a list of 9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners. They are delicious and all different. Some are vegetarian, some fish or chicken. And they are all fast and super easy to make on a busy weeknight!

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (2)

More Instant Pot Resources

  • 7 Things You Need to Know About Instant Potarticle. I wish a read something like this when I bought my Instant Pot. I was very frustrated when I first started using it but only because I did not expect some of the things that don’t bother me anymore.
  • 21 Easy Instant Pot Recipes to Tryfrom Breakfast to Lunch to Drinks to Desserts from different bloggers.
  • All my Instant Pot Recipes
  • Join my Real Ingredients Instant Pot Recipes Facebook group.
  • Follow my Instant Pot Instagram account: Instantlicious Recipes

Why make Instant Pot Risotto

Traditional stove-top risotto isn’t difficult but it takes a long time. Usually short grain rice (most commonly arborio rice) is slowly cooked in a pan with stock added a ladle at a time. The long cooking and stirring time means that the rice releases starches and the liquid thickens and gets creamy without any addition of cream. This process can take anywhere between 30-45 minutes of standing at the stove and stirring.

Instant Pot Risotto relies on cooking under high pressure. There’s no stirring involved and no hands-on cooking either. Rice still releases its starches so the resulting risotto gets just as creamy and delicious as the stove top version. Most Instant Pot Risottos could be made in under 30 minutes which includes the time for Instant Pot to come to pressure and release pressure.

Instant Pot Beet Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (3)

This risotto is absolutely stunning. It’s beautifully pink and has a classic combination of beets and goat cheese. Delicious!

Instant Pot Beet Risotto Recipefrom Imagelicious

Instant Pot Asparagus Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (4)

Delicious risotto to make when asparagus is in season. But wait, this beautiful risotto also has mushrooms! So delicious and fresh!

Instant Pot Asparagus Risottofrom My Wife Can Cook

Instant Pot Lemon Pea Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (5)

Lemons and peas are a delicious combination. Add them to creamy risotto and sprinkle with some parmesan cheese and you got yourself a winner!

Instant Pot Lemon Pea RisottofromCarmy – Run Eat Travel

Instant Pot Butternut Squash Risotto with Crisped Prosciutto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (6)

Beautiful risotto that is perfect for cooler months. All you need to do is crisp up some prosciutto while Instant Pot does all the work with the risotto!

Instant Pot Butternut Squash Risotto with Crisped ProsciuttofromNourish and Fete

Instant Pot Chicken Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (7)

I love that both chicken breast and risotto are cooked together in Instant Pot. Yes, only one pot to clean and everything is cooking hands-off also. Perfect weeknight meal!

Instant Pot Chicken RisottofromBasil and Bubbly

Instant Pot Lemon Shrimp Risotto with Vegetables and Parmesan

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (8)

This risotto has shrimp, spinach, and asparagus! So much goodness in just one dish! Delicious!

Instant Pot Lemon Shrimp Risotto with Vegetables and ParmesanfromStay Snatched

Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (9)

Beautiful risotto for mushroom lovers. You can’t miss with these easy, simple and delicious flavours.

Instant Pot Mushroom RisottofromSavory Nothings

Instant Pot Vegetable Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (10)

So many delicious and crispy veggies on a bed of creamy risotto – perfection! Oh, and all those pretty veggies are roasted in the oven so you don’t even have to be in the kitchen while making this risotto.

Instant Pot Vegetable RisottoformYummy Mummy Kitchen

Instant Pot Wild Mushroom and Leek Risotto

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (11)

Another version of mushroom risotto but this one has three different kinds of mushrooms – so beautiful and delicious!

Instant Pot Wild Mushroom and Leek RisottofromFlavor the Moments

So, here you have it 9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes that you could make any day of the week, even on a busy weeknight. All you need is just 30 minutes!


Join my Real Ingredients Instant Pot Recipes Facebook Group!!!It’s a fun and safe place to share your own Instant Pot recipes made with Real Ingredients.

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (12)

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (13)

9 Best Instant Pot Risotto Recipes for Weeknight Dinners - Imagelicious.com (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.