Beefy Macaroni and Cheese Casserole Recipe (2024)

Beefy Macaroni and Cheese Casserole Recipe (1)

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There is something perfect about meaty cheesy pasta goodness.

It is really hard to go wrong when you throw those ingredients together into a casserole dish – for this recipe I really wanted to make it extremely simple in measurements ( like 1 pound of pasta) as well as frugal

We actually enjoyed the casserole you see above at my husband’s birthday party and everyone loved it 🙂

Everything you need is above — the “secret” okay not so “secret” ingredient is fresh basil — I remember as a kid loving to pick fresh basil and smell it because it reminded me of pasta dinners my family made.

This dish can be made gluten – free if you exchange the pasta for gluten – free pasta – I highly suggest Mrs.Leepers gluten – free pasta it is my favorite 🙂

You know when you make a good dinner when no one is talking at the dinner table – have you ever noticed that?

My family devoured the casserole in one sitting 🙂 You can choose a different type of pasta but I thought macaroni would be the perfect size – especially the ridges on the pasta it just captures that sauce ( which is something my dad mentions every time we use that type of pasta 😉 )

Here is a VERY BLURRY picture of my husband getting a piece of the casserole

I think the final cost of the casserole was under $6 which is pretty rockin for 6 servings – though my husband ate about 3 servings himself ( I do not know how he does it )

Yum Yum Yum

I really hope you make this recipe and if you do please make sure to comment on this post how you liked it – I love to hear back from you guys!

Love You!

Beefy Macaroni and Cheese Casserole



  • 24 ounces of your favorite pasta sauce
  • ⅓ Cup of basil - thinly sliced
  • 1 pound of pasta ( cooked)
  • 1 of beef - cooked and drained
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 2 Cups of Medium Cheddar
  • 2 Cups of Mozzerella


  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. In a LARGE skillet over medium heat combine the following - pasta, basil, sauce, beef, 2 cups of mozzerella, 1 cup of cheddar, healthy amount of salt and pepper - - mix until all the cheese is melted
  3. Spread into a 9x13 casserole dish - sprinkle the 1 cup of cheddar cheese on top
  4. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes
  5. Enjoy!


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  • Debbie

    I love Mac & Cheese and this makes it even better! Thanks for all the great recipes!

  • kelly mcgrew

    staple in our house now.. thanks Budget Savvy Diva !

    • Watson

      You are too sweet 🙂

  • Nancy

    I don’t know what made me make this because it was so much like others I have tried. While putting it together I was no more impressed in fact very doubtful because the consistency seemed wrong. I can tell you that I am so glad I made this. My husband has inhaled it each time I have made it. Sooooo good!

    • Sara

      I am glad you made it too 🙂

  • jennifer

    this looks great!!

  • Kim

    Yum! My boyfriend would love this! 🙂

  • J. Sinclair

    Just want to ask if the amount of beef is 1 pound?
    Thanks! This looks so amazing!

  • Rosie

    I just made it, but used turkey burger and a little extra cheese (about 1 cup additional). The family loved it!

  • Hly V

    My mom used to make something similar to this 🙂

  • Shannon

    I’m not good at this sort of thing… But is this an easy one to freeze and eat later? At what point do I freeze it? Just follow all steps until I get to “bake 30 min”? And would I put it in the oven directly from the freezer?

  • Jacqueline

    When you say the final cost worked out to $6, do you mean $6 per serving? Because 1lb of ground beef alone cost me $5.81 and that was on sale. And the classico pasta sauce cost $3….. I love the recipe but I have no idea where you got a $6 cost from.

    • Sara

      Where do you live? Ground beef is under $3 per pound and Classico is about $1.25

      • Leslie

        Lol, I was thinking the same thing as Jacqueline. The cheese alone would be more than $6. I’m in Canada though, so that’s likely the difference. ☺

  • Katy

    I don’t have fresh basil but I want to make this. Could I substitute with something? Or, will it still taste okay without it?

  • dkfoye

    This was a Big hit for dinner tonight, made more than we could eat but it was delicious. Will make it again. Maybe not so much the next time.

  • Katrina

    Are you supposed to boil the pasta before combining all of the ingredients?

Beefy Macaroni and Cheese Casserole Recipe (2024)
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