Deep Rock Incorporated - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)


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Deep Rock Incorporated

  • #1 Feb 20, 2023



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    "That's alright, kin - I'll settle this round for ye."

    The sturdy dwarf in well made but informal grey cloak slides a fat piece of yellow gold across the bar as your keg brim's anew with a hearty ale dressed in creamy foam. "Ain't most day's you see a young up-and-comer like ye-self in a dive such as this - seems to me that you might not be where you want to be. Perhaps ye be a-running from something. Perhaps ye were inna wrong place atta wrong time. Perhaps you've always dreamed of the wealth that coulda be yer's, but ain't yet. If that there gold is to yer likin', I'd best be readin it a bit closely, now."

    Between significantly heavy blinks, you do so. A rune is carved into the butter-soft surface - a fancy logo of some kind, embossed above the words that would go on to define your place in history: Deep Rock Incorporated.

    The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur. There may or may not have been several more rounds, the hefty tab paid in full by your generous host. There could have been a legendary fight - a brawl to make the ancestors proud. You woke up the next morning in a gutter on the outskirts of town, joints creaking like a rickety staircase with a sealed letter tucked in your breast pocket. It reads:

    Congratulations to our newest employee from the Assessment and Recruitment Team here at Deep Rock Incorporated! We know you will do great things for the Company in your new career with us! Your training beginsnext week Tuesday morning , three hours after sunup. Report to Base camp #3, Brocken's Ridge, for training, further assessment and assignment. Rock and Stone, Kin!

    Deep Rock Incorporated - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (2)

    Danger; Darkness; Dwarves

    Welcome, one and all to a Deep Rock Galactic inspired Play by Post!

    In this campaign, a hearty crew of dwarves will take on the tribulations, mysteries and sheer physical labor of harvesting the bounteous riches of the deep in service to Deep Rock Incorporated. As a quick caveat, I have not myself played Deep Rock Galactic (yet - it's on the todo list) and so this will not be a carbon-copy of said franchise. Rather, I am taking inspiration from the setting - Exploration, Resource gathering and transport (and the incumbent logistics of such an operation!) and finally Combat with the Deep's less-than-welcoming inhabitants. If you are hoping for a pure DRG experience... go play the game itself. I hear the developers are awesome and that the community would welcome a few new Greenbeards in the ranks.

    To apply, please post a level 3 character - Dwarves will be preferred, but if you have a very neat concept for why DRI would hire a non-dwarf, I'll certainly consider it - with Point-buy stats and no homebrew, please. Provide the following four details in your application, and feel free send me a PM titled Rock and Stone with any questions!


    (Sub)race and (sub)class:

    Your recruitment (back)story:

    Rock and Stone!

  • #2 Feb 20, 2023



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    Please see my character below. I would love to join in. If accepted I will modify the character to level 3

    Name:Wade Jericho
    Backstory: Criminal/Spy

    Grew up on the streets having to steal to keep alive. Was forced to work for the local mage who treated him like a lab rat practicing their spells on them.

    After one of the spells went drastically wrong the building burnt down. Once Wade woke up he saw his chance to escape his prison and start his own path.

    On the streets life was somehow harder, not having a regular meal and being unable to trust anyone he had to steal just to feed himself. With just the scorched clothes on his back, he dreams of a future where he can provide for himself.

    Personality(And what scares the character) :
    - Personality:Has a need to steal whatever they see fit to survive in the tough world
    - Ideals:To be able to live in a world where he no longer needs to steal
    - Flaw:Does not trust others easily
    - Terrified ofMagic

    do’s and dont’s for a D&D game: None

    Character sheet

  • #3 Feb 20, 2023



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    Name: Fern Stonehelm

    (Sub)race and (sub)class: Gnome (Deep), Barbarian

    Your recruitment (back)story: Fern grew up working the mines for little amounts of pay after years and years of labor he built up prowess with his skill until one day his dream came true the DRI was knocking on his door to recruit him! He had once helped somebody at DRI and now he has some conections thats how he got in.

    Rock and Stone!

    Last edited by Jet10: Feb 20, 2023

    sticking out ur gyat for the rizzler

    PM me the word TOMATO🍅

  • #4 Feb 20, 2023



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    Name: Branmar Thunderfist
    (Sub)race: (Mark of Warding)Dwarf
    (sub)class: (Armorer)Artificer
    Your recruitment (back)story: Branmar is a crafter, talented in many fields and well known for his work.An accident caused his workshop to collapse leaving him severely wounded and without a place to practice his craft. Several years later, determined to get back to work, Branmar created a suit of custom armor to augment his damaged body. With little funds remaining, working for Deep Rock Inc. sounds like a perfect opportunity to generate some start-up coin as well as field test the new armor.

    Rock and Stone!

    Last edited by MeTaLh3d: Feb 21, 2023

  • #5 Feb 20, 2023



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    • Name:Austrig Golden-Eye
    • Race: Dwarf, Mountain
    • Class: Sorcerer/Celestial
    • Background: Archeologist
    • Backstory: Austrig was special from birth, with mysterious golden irises and a special connection with Life. His parents wished him to follow the ways of a cleric, but he enjoyed exploring above and below the earth for hidden secrets left by those that came before. While still an adolescent, he and his friends where caught in a partial tunnel collapse, and it was then that his connection withDugmaren became apparent and he channeled divine power to heal an injured friend.
    • Recruitment: At heart, Austrig is an archeologist, and is looking for funding for exploring the depths for ancient civilizations. Whether it is a lost city or a dragon's horde, he is ready for adventure.


    1st Edition DMG

  • #6 Feb 21, 2023



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    Awe man. Looks kinda full. Would love to be an alternate maybe.

    Also definitely a fun game. Rock and stone!

  • #7 Feb 21, 2023



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    Quote from Benismyusername >>

    Awe man. Looks kinda full. Would love to be an alternate maybe.

    Also definitely a fun game. Rock and stone!

    Hey, if you are interested go ahead and drop a character! I've not made my choices just yet. Thanks for the interest!

  • #8 Feb 21, 2023



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    I have one question, will customize your origin be allowed?, Also, rock and stone!

    Discord PBP's should have there own sections

  • #9 Feb 22, 2023



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    • (Perfect)
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    Quote from TheFanMan690 >>

    I have one question, will customize your origin be allowed?, Also, rock and stone!

    Thanks for the question! I'm not too familiar with that feature - was that in a newer book?

  • #10 Feb 22, 2023



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    Quote from GawaintheGranger >>

    Quote from TheFanMan690 >>

    I have one question, will customize your origin be allowed?, Also, rock and stone!

    Thanks for the question! I'm not too familiar with that feature - was that in a newer book?

    Was introduced in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Hope it's allowed because I used it. :)

    Another question for you. How long you planning on keeping this recruitment thread open? I have a friend that is thinking about make a dwarf to throw in an app to join.

  • #11 Feb 22, 2023



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    • (Perfect)
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    I'd say still open. Will probably close it sometime late tomorrow evening.

  • #12 Feb 22, 2023



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    Quote from GawaintheGranger >>

    I'd say still open. Will probably close it sometime late tomorrow evening.

    For me that post was at 12:01 AM

    sticking out ur gyat for the rizzler

    PM me the word TOMATO🍅

  • #13 Feb 22, 2023



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    Quote from Jet10 >>

    Quote from GawaintheGranger >>

    I'd say still open. Will probably close it sometime late tomorrow evening.

    For me that post was at 12:01 AM

    Same, was just before midnight when I asked. You central time as well?

  • #14 Feb 22, 2023



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    Name: Dhara Lazuli

    (Sub)race and (sub)class: Dwarf (Mark of Warding), Wizard (School of Abjuration)

    Background:Guild artisan/merchant

    Your recruitment (back)story: Dharawas the eldest of twelve children, and as such, when her father passed away it fell to her to support her younger siblings by any means necessary. At first she tried being a merchant, but, to be frank, she was a terrible negotiator. But eventually, a customer brought her something that awakened her true passion... a young man brought in his grandfather's old spellbook, and Dhara was immediately fascinated by the strange symbols and incantations. In no time she was casting spells herself, happily shooting cantrips and weaving rituals at every opportunity. Unfortunately, her new passion caused her merchant business to suffer even more as she put in less and less effort towards theprofession that she honestly didn't care about. Realizing that she needed to find a new source of income for herself and her siblings, one that would put her talents to better use, she put in an application to join Deep Rock Galactic...

    Character link:

    Rock and Stone!

    Last edited by Mister_Whisker: Feb 22, 2023

  • #15 Feb 22, 2023



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    Name: Raven Terrafell

    (Sub)race and (sub)class: Deep Gnome, Druid Circle of the Land (Underdark)

    Your recruitment (back)story: Raven has always had a knack for finding things. Wondrous treasures, precious stones, metals, and artifacts can be found in various locations through out the galaxy if you look in the right places. If there's something to there, this gnome will find it. After a few years of being a freelance archeologist of sorts, Raven found that it was getting harder and harder to support herself. She needed a real job. Mining is not much different than what she does, so why not try her hand at that? She may not be strong, but her ability to slip through small places can prove invaluable when dealing with finicky mine shafts. Who says dwarves are the only ones who can mine? It took her a while to prove this to the higher ups of Deep Rock incorporated, but a bit of prodding, and a few wildshapes, eventually convinced them that--yes, a gnome can be useful in this line of work.

    Rock and Stone!

    Character link: Raven Terrafell

  • #16 Feb 22, 2023



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    Name: Ebgurn Bitterforge

    (Sub)race: (Custom Mountain)Dwarf
    (sub)class: (Pact of the Fiend)Warlock
    Your recruitment (back)story: Ebgurn was just your average acolyte at a temple to the Broken God, going through the motions, not trying, or excelling, just existing. He was dropped off at a young age and never bought into what was being "sold" there. One day he starts to hear a voice telling him that there is more than this in life, things that can offer strength and power. That if he were to follow where this voice leads, his every desire can be obtained. And the voice lead him to Deep Rock Inc.

    Rock and Stone!

  • #17 Feb 22, 2023



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    Name: Thondor

    Race: Dwarf (Gray)

    Class: Fighter (Psi)

    Backstory: Thondor was a mercenary hired to protect a band of miners from the creatures of the deep. It was his first real job and he was excited though he would never show it. That was until the mindflayers showed up. Suddenly his excitement vanished almost as quickly as the miners he was protecting. He barely escaped with hislife, but not before his mind was touched and forever altered by the creatures foul mind magic. As luck would have it he managed to find a new job opportunity fairly quickly with Deep Rock Inc.

    Rock & Stone!

  • #18 Feb 23, 2023



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    And that'll close recruitment! It's been a long-ish day, so I'll make my picks tomorrow and send out PM's soon. Thanks all for your participation!

  • #19 Feb 23, 2023



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    Quote from GawaintheGranger >>

    And that'll close recruitment! It's been a long-ish day, so I'll make my picks tomorrow and send out PM's soon. Thanks all for your participation!

    I hope the ones picked have fun

    sticking out ur gyat for the rizzler

    PM me the word TOMATO🍅

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Deep Rock Incorporated - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond General - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.