Fractie SAM on LinkedIn: Elevating Insights: Fractie SAM Weekly Updates Closing speech University… (2024)

Fractie SAM

Student Party SAM represents all students in the university council.

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Elevating Insights: Fractie SAM Weekly Updates Closing speech University CouncilI want to welcome everyone again to our last university council of the academic year. A special welcome to the friends and family that have come to watch this final council meeting of our board year. Although this is the end, to us, the 29th board of SAM, it is the conclusion of the most amazing and instructive year we could ever have at Tilburg University. If I look back I’m very proud of my board and everything we achieved. We have organized the first edition of the Wellbeing Awareness Week together with TiGeAk, We organized the first annual SAMbal. A gala at which we raised money for Serve the City, we organized the silent disco and a symposium about the European elections during Night University and we expanded our housing project SHT. Next to that we submitted a lot of memos and initiatives during the University Council meetings for which we got a lot of positive reactions from the Executive Board. I think that I could speak for all of us that it was very interesting to be so closely involved with the day-to-day business and policy of Tilburg University. We learned a lot about Tilburg University as an institution and the challenges that it faces. We want to thank Betty, Rien, Hans, Jay and Bart for the support they gave us this year in all kinds of different ways. We want to thank every student who put their trust in SAM to represent the Student interests in the University council.After the Elections of April 2024 we will even be with an extra party member of SAM in the council next year. This was the finishing touch on the board year of the 29th board of SAM. With more seats in the council we have the opportunity to represent the Students of Tilburg University even better in the coming academic year and we're very delighted with that. If we look ahead, the next academic year will be very interesting to be in the University council. We look towards the future with a “langstudeerboete”, challenges for education as a result from the plans of the new parliament and cuts in the budget. This will bring a lot of challenges, opportunities and changes for Tilburg University and I wish our successors lots of success and lots of joy while discussing all topics next year. Lastly I would like to thank the Internationals, the Independents, Front and Student Assessor Tijs for the constructive and intensive cooperation during this year and the Executive Board for thinking along with us and taking the time to look into our ideas. Twenty eight years ago we started with representing ALL the students of Tilburg University and our mission is to keep on doing so for many more years. With pride and passion we hand over the baton to our successors.


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    Professor, University of Kentucky, Pickleball Ambassador,

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Fractie SAM on LinkedIn: Elevating Insights: Fractie SAM Weekly Updates 

Closing speech University… (2024)
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