Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (2024)

Hi there, today we’re going to talk about holding hands. What can we truly tell from it?

Eye contactis usually the first link in almost any human interaction, but the first physical contact will probably involve the touch of hand to hand. It’s usuallythe initial physical contactto reveal positive intentions and establish some intimacy and trust.

When we reach our hand in greetings we acknowledge the person before us and show some confidence in them, in return we expect to receive the same treatment. This is whyhandshakes(and how they’re done) play such a vital part in business meetings – we want to feel that we can trust the other guy to make a deal.

To hold hands with our loved one is the “advanced form” for that matter – it shows morepermanentfondness, rapport, respect, concern, trust, and perhaps romantic feelings.

But as many things in body language, this expression of affection is not that simple. It seems to us that it’s OK to hold one’s hand but not the other, even if we like them both very much. A heterosexual man in the Western culture will almost never hold hands with another man, that’s why the photo of George W Bush holding hands with Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia hit waves in the US but was received calmly in the Arab culture.

In this article, we will do the explanations. What does it mean to hold hands in different contexts and of course, how can we apply it in our daily lives?

Romance and Affection

The most obvious meaning of this gesture is the involvement of romance.

You might remember the anxious anticipation to hold the hand of your first girl\boyfriend. It was the next ‘big step’ to reveal if they really like you and want you around. Absurd images of rejection probably went through your mind as you tentatively and very consciously wrapped your hand around theirs. Insignificant and stupid as it might look today, it was probably your first attempt in building romantic physical intimacy.

Today, I assume that it comes much more naturally and easily than in the first time, but the effects and benefits of holding hands are still relevant even if you’ve been married for years. Why?

1. It releasesOxytocin– a hormone that cements long term relationships and raises the amount of affection in a couple.

2.If you’re already in one such happy relationship then holding hands has areassuring effect by reducing stress hormones. You can read this study that involveshappy couples, electrical shocks, and holding hands(bizarre I know!) to demonstrate this effect.

3.Holding hands is adeclaration of devotionto each other. When a couple is going hand in hand in public they send a message to others around that they are together, not up for grabs.

4.Great forrapport. Rapport in body language is built around mirror imagining – matching each other’s gestures and posture. When someone is acting like us (in a subtle fashion, not mimicking us!) we tend to like them more. It’s only natural to like people who are similar to us because it makes us feel good about ourselves.

In this case, both individuals have to match their walking speed and rhythm of movement in order to walk comfortably.

Is interlocking fingers better?

Generally speaking yes, it’s more physically and emotionally bonding than simply walking hand in hand. But it doesn’t apply to everyone, some people are just uncomfortable doing it.

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (1)

What if I don’t like it?

And since we mentioned discomfort – let’s remember that not everyone is comfortable holding hands in public. This can be a result of physical or emotional issues such as:

  • Feeling embarrassed to show affection in public.
  • Avoid looking ‘too committed’ – this doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of devotion, but can be a sign of a ‘free spirit’ type of personality who likes their own space.
  • Plain physical discomfort – like sweaty\cold hands or big height difference.

If this is the case in your relationship, don’t feel bad about it or try “forcing” your insignificant other to hold hands. Instead, try other forms of holding each other while walking (see on the next page) or just give it some time and understanding, sometimes it can take time to get used to it.

Support, Guidance, and Authority

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (2)

Another use for hand-holding is to guide and protect others who are less able or confident than us: We take our children by the hand to lead them so they won’t get lost and to let them feel safe with us.

We support older people in their walk. Or help a blind man cross the street.

We take someone by the hand when we pass through the crowd so we won’t get separated

When offer our hand for support when our loved ones feel threatened or distressed.

Note: The person with the hand on top is the one who’s leading. You can’t pull and direct with your hand stuck behind. Next time you hold hands, even while sitting, try switching positions and see how that feels (probably awkward). This says one thing or 2 about your relationship.

In all of these scenarios (and many others) the hand holding is used toreassure and protectthe person we hold.

But, there is a difference betweenguidingandurgingsomeone to follow. In the latter, we dominate the other person and use our authority to make him go with us. How is that manifested in body language?

What’s the difference between forcing and guiding?

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (3)

There’s a difference, a tiny one, but significant – as it changes the whole picture. What’s the catch? Just as in physics, whenwe apply force – we get resistance:

By holding and pulling someone’s hand you create natural resistance. Even if that person wishes to go the same way as you, he automatically feels forced to do so because you urge him to follow. And most people dislike being forced to do anything, even if they believe it’s for their own good.

Moreover, the more force you put – the more resistance you add, If you pull harder they will resist harder. Just like you would resist strongly to a sudden leash jerk of your dog.

Catching at the wrist is an even more aggressive and violent variation for this “lead”. E.g. A child beingdraggedto the principal’s office.

How to guide well then? Remove force:

1.Try to avoid pulling at all but rather match your walking speed. If you’re in a hurry, explain that to your partner so s/he will get the message and start to walk faster with you. In the worst-case scenario – just break the contact and start moving faster, this way you’re not forcing anyone to follow you, but letting them decide if to do so or not.

2.When making a turn, angle your body first towards the direction, and if they didn’t get the hint point the other party gently with a slight touch on the hand, the back, or the shoulders.

Example: When I was an instructor in school and needed to take a misbehaving child to the principal’s office, I knew that dragging him there would be a bad idea – he’d just pull back and resist in his full might. Instead, I matched my walking speed to his own and held his hand while talking to him. This way I managed to calm him and let him feel that he was not being forced to follow me so he didn’t need to resist.

Respect and Friendship

So, holding hands is a sign of affection and love, but can we use it with platonic friends? Or is it reserved for couples only?

Well, it depends on whom you ask. Some friends may feel comfortable enough walking hand in hand without worrying about romantic complications, but they still will be perceived as a romantic couple by observers.

When it comes to same-sex friendship – things get a little trickier. In Western culture, it’s acceptable for girls or little children to hold hands as a sign of friendship, but it’s taboo for heterosexual males.

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (4)

This is not the case inArab and other African and South Asian cultures.

In these places, this gesture and others (like kissing on the cheek in greetings between men) is a sign of mutual respect and deep friendship, without any sexual connotations.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that all male friends stroll hand in hand on the street, but simply that this gesture is perceived differently than in the rest of the world.

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (5)

Why the difference?

The main reason issegregation of the sexesin these regions.

Men and women have little interaction in their daily lives and it’s inappropriate to show affection towards each other in public. This leads to the fact that most males spend a lot of time together instead of mingling with women. This of course leads to greater intimacy between men and to the existence of such customs.

Note: In many Arab countries this is a slowly fading custom due to globalization effects and less rigid segregation between males and females.

Another reason is the “awakening” ofhom*osexual movements and awarenessin the Western world. Even very good heterosexual males will avoid showing intimacy with each other so they won’t be perceived as hom*osexuals.

So, we can’t really blame Bush for being ‘too intimate’ with Crown Prince Abdullah (who now is king, by the way). He was simply being diplomatic, even if a bit awkward for his own nation to watch.

Ways to show you care

While holding hands can be a fun and bonding experience, sometimes it’s not the best option: Sweaty hands or cold dead fingers can make holding hands a strained affair. Plus, as we saw, not all people like it, for this or that reason.

This why I present to you 2 otheralternativesto holding hands, which carry pretty much the same context:

Holding at the Waist or Shoulders

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (6)

This is actually the mobile version of the hug (link). More common in young couples who just can’t leave the hands of each other.

The couple will wrap their hands around the waist or shoulder area and move as one. In some cases, it’s even acceptable to walk with the hand in the back pocket, almost as grabbing the ass on the move.

Do notice when it’s a not reciprocal gesture. It may indicate that the other partner doesn’t feel as committed or s/he’s forced into the interaction.

Holding Arms

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (7)

This is the classic “sophisticated” European version of hands-holding. The male will offer his arm to his lady as a hook to hang on her hand.

This gesture is considered to be more classy and platonic than the usual hands-holding and it can be used even between platonic friends.

Holding arms can also be utilized in group settings to showsolid unitybetween the members. This way you can observe it often in protests – it’s a powerful display with a lot of presence and a sense of purpose, and everyone is locked with each other as a single unbreakable front.

Holding Hands: Just Friends or More? (2024)


Is holding hands romantic or platonic? ›

Holding hands is often an expression of romance between two people, especially if you're dating. Family or friends also hold hands to express affection. Holding hands with interlaced fingers often signifies the start of a strong relationship. A more relaxed grip might indicate a longer, more established bond.

Is it okay to hold hands with friends? ›

Holding hands with a friend is one of the easiest ways to feel validated, deepen familiar bonds, and improve your overall well-being. The next time you're with a friend, don't be afraid to let your hands touch and enjoy the moment for what it's worth.

Can a guy and a girl hold hands platonically? ›

This is the classic “sophisticated” European version of hands-holding. The male will offer his arm to his lady as a hook to hang on her hand. This gesture is considered to be more classy and platonic than the usual hands-holding and it can be used even between platonic friends.

Why do I like holding hands with my friends? ›

People hold hands for many reasons, but if there is a single common denominator unifying them all, it's probably a felt sense of security – a sense that we are not alone that brings with it the knowledge that we have a companion, a helper, a guide, another mind who knows about and is interested in ours.

What does holding hands mean to a guy? ›

A guy might be holding your hand when those emotions are surging through his body. He probably feels afresh in the relationship, and holding your hand might be his way of communicating this. Also, another holding hands meaning could be he wants to feel closer to you.

What is the most romantic way to hold hands? ›

For the more intimate moment, consider gently rubbing your thumb across the back of their hand. This adds a layer of affection to your grasp and it lets them know you are enjoying the activity without you having to tell them. If they return the gesture, you know you're doing it right. Try not to hold too tight.

When a female friend holds your hand? ›

She enjoys the closeness of your friendship but nothing more. You might be misreading her signals as more than what they really are. Holding hands makes her feel safe around you. OR…she really does like you and doesn't know how to come out and say it.

What does holding hands mean in friendship? ›

Holding hands doesn't just have a romantic connotation, though — it's also associated with support, solidarity, affection, friendship, and reconciliation. Think: a friend just placing their hand on yours to reassure and console you, or offer you support.

Is holding hands romantic or friendly? ›

In Western culture, spouses and romantic couples often hold hands as a sign of affection or to express psychological closeness. Non-romantic friends may also hold hands, although acceptance of this varies by culture and gender role.

Is holding hands flirting? ›

Pay attention to the person who remembers what you like and tries to connect with you over it. They try to hold your hand. Of course someone who tries to hold your hand is into you. It's on the bolder side of flirting, but it still definitely counts.

Can friends be intimate? ›

Intimacy is meant both emotionally and physically.

Just observing the status quo, it is easier to find people who are emotionally intimate with “friends”, but we as a society have much more reservation towards physical intimacy, because we associate it with sex.

Can a girl platonically cuddle a guy? ›

Platonic cuddling is non-sexual close physical contact.

Platonic cuddling can happen between people of any gender—2 men can platonically cuddle, as well as 2 women, or even a man and a woman. In fact, platonically cuddling can involve more than 2 people.

Can holding hands cause arousal? ›

Yes, this is a normal reaction. Getting wet for a girl is the same as having an erection for a guy - it's you becoming aroused and your body showing the physical signs of that arousal. Sure, why not. It can happen due to hugging or holding hands.

When a guy holds your hand while interlocking fingers? ›

Holding hands is an expression of desiring closeness. Interlocking fingers while holding hands is typically an overt expression of a desire to be more connected. To be more intimate.

Is holding hands public affection? ›

Public displays of affection (PDA) include things like hugging, kissing, and hand-holding in public spaces. Small, affectionate gestures like hugging and holding hands are generally acceptable in public, especially if you're greeting someone. More intimate forms of PDA (making out, groping, etc.)

Does holding hands have to be romantic? ›

Hand holding is a public symbol of togetherness. It doesn't have to be romantic, but it does show that you support each other. Research has also shown that it has many health benefits.

Do platonic friends hold hands? ›

According to Shannon, it's most common for friends to be comfortable with hugging and some friendly touch but not kissing on the lips or other more intimate acts. That said, it's certainly possible to hold hands with and cuddle your platonic friends, and some platonic friends may even occasionally kiss.

Is holding hands and cuddling platonic? ›

Platonic cuddling is a form of physical affection that emphasizes emotional connection and comfort between individuals without any sexual or romantic intentions. What does cuddle mean? The cuddle meaning includes hugging, holding hands, gentle caresses, and other non-sexual touches.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.