What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (2024)

Jan 18, 2011 | Tasty Tuesday | 32 comments

Reading the comments to my Tasty Tuesday posts and the discussions created, definitely spark some of my most favorite foodie moments on this blog.
From “What’s Your Favorite Cookbook,” to “What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Ever Eaten?,” it’s so interesting to hear such a wide range of experiences.
One of the topics I desire to write more about are practical, hands on ways to create simple easy recipes. At first, it was just going to be a “Kids in the Kitchen” type of ongoing theme, but as I meet more young adults who don’t know how to cook, I guess these tips, recipes and ideas could be for them as well. So, would that category title inhibit them from searching through the archives? Maybe I need a better category for that? Any ideas?
The comments in the post, When Did You Learn to Cook? represent some of my favorite answers. The stories, heritage, and emotions (good and bad) create a thread that showcase the power of time spent together in the kitchen. If you haven’t read the comments, take a minute to do so. They are better than my post, by far. 🙂
Jumping from that topic, I would like to create a list of “first time” recipes. Would you mind brushing off those cobwebs and jog the memory, please. As I start brainstorming, I would love to tackle some of your recommended recipes with my children.
Is there a recipe or two that stands out in your memory as the first recipe that you learned to cook?
Do you still make it today?

Off to see your weekly inspirations.

Simple Rules for Tasty Tuesday Parade of Foods – If you’re joining in with a recipe link, two simple requests. As always, Please link directly to your recipe post and not your blog URL, so that everyone can find the recipe months from now.
Also, link back here so that everyone can join in the fun. MANY of you are not linking back, and it’s just common courtesy of blog carnivals.
Don’t forget to support your fellow bloggers by checking out some of their amazing recipes…be inspired by others.

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What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (3)

  1. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (4)

    Kristia@Family Balance Sheeton January 18, 2011 at 8:01 am

    The first recipe that I made all by myself was Nestle Tollhouse choc chip cookies and I was proably about 12.


  2. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (5)

    Candi @ Family Stamping and FOOD!on January 18, 2011 at 8:03 am

    I think the first recipe I made up by myself was Vegetable Beef Soup. The first one I did following a recipe was for Chocolate Chip Cookies. My Momma always had us on the counter with her making cookies when we were little. So it was only natural it be the first one I did by myself 🙂


  3. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (6)

    Amanda @ Serenity Nowon January 18, 2011 at 8:04 am

    Thanks for hosting, Jen! It’s been a while since I’ve linked up…I’m looking forward to browsing today. 🙂 The first thing I learned to cook on my own (besides brownies from a box or spaghetti, lol) was a really good chicken tortellini soup. 🙂


  4. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (7)

    Melissaon January 18, 2011 at 8:14 am

    I can recall making Chocolate Chip cookies and homemade brownies. I even remember riding my bike to the corner convience store to buy eggs so I could make them!


  5. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (8)

    Robin @ Set Your Heart To Seek Godon January 18, 2011 at 8:16 am

    My first recipe wasn’t edible! When I was little I remember being at the stove with my Mom making playdough! Sweet, sweet memory! 🙂 Thanks for hosting the link-up.


  6. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (9)

    Joyon January 18, 2011 at 8:20 am

    I don’t remember the first thing I ever made. I think it was French toast. But I used to teach a kids’ cooking class two years ago. I’ll have to dig through my files and find some of the easy recipes we used. I taught two age groups (4-7 and 8-12).


  7. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (11)

    April@The 21st Century Housewifeon January 18, 2011 at 8:50 am

    Hi Jen! I really did have to brush away the cobwebs for this one. I’m struggling to remember for sure what the first recipe I cooked was, but I’m almost sure it was cookies, most likely my Grandma’s recipe for Bachelor Buttons with my Mom. You could add maraschino cherries, raisins, nuts or coconut to the batter and I remember dividing the batter up and making up all sorts of combinations. I wish I had learned to cook more main dishes as child, and I think it’s really important for kids to learn basic cooking techniques as well as the really fun stuff – things like boiling or frying an egg, making a nutritious salad, preparing vegetables etc. But it’s great to do the fun stuff too, and I have wonderful memories of baking with my son – who at 18 is now really confident in the kitchen and even experiments in the kitchen. He has developed some wonderful stir fries and pasta dishes. Thanks for asking such an interesting question, and I look forward to your series for young people.


  8. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (12)

    Karen @ Abundance on a Dimeon January 18, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Wow, I really can’t remember the first recipe I ever made – I started cooking so young I can’t recall a time when I didn’t know how. Whatever it was, knowing me I didn’t really follow the directions and just did my own thing 🙂 I know by the time I was 11 or 12 I was cooking many full meals at home (I was always more into cooking than my mom was!)
    I still have my first cookbook that I received when I was very young – probably 5 0r 6. It was send over from England for me by some of my dad’s relatives. It’s called “My Learn to Cook Book” by Ursula Sedgwick. I actually found an Amazon UK listing for it: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Learn-Cook-Book-Ursula-Sedgwick/dp/0601071360
    I have such fond memories of that book – it is pretty beaten up, much like many of my favourite cookbooks of today!


  9. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (13)

    Kimon January 18, 2011 at 9:57 am

    I cannot remember the specific recipe but I remember loving to bake cookies! As a young married I didn’t have many things I knew how to make–luckily my hubby wasn’t particular and my mother-in-law was a great teacher. She wrote out some of her easiest recipes for me–they are a treasure to have.


  10. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (14)

    Kim Erwinon January 18, 2011 at 10:11 am

    My first cooking experience was probably Hobo pockets at Girl Scout camp. You remember the hamburger patty, sliced potatoes, carrots, and onions securely wrapped in heavy duty foil. We baked them in the coals of the campfire. I still make them in the oven on occasion. This recipe brings back many memories.


  11. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (15)

    Amandaon January 18, 2011 at 10:19 am

    I actually don’t remember learning to cook. I’ve been sitting here racking my brain for the past few minutes and can not remember. I remember when I was small we made blueberry muffins a lot and I always helped my sister when the mood struck her to make crepes. Oh and egg-in-a-holes! We had those almost every weekend and I loved cutting the holes out of the bread for my dad. There are definitely a lot of adults in my age group (I’m 27) that never learned to cook. I have friends who are now married and parents and they are struggling to teach themselves to cook real meals and not rely on prepackaged or pre-made meals.


  12. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (16)

    Cindyon January 18, 2011 at 10:27 am

    I grew up watching my Mom in the kitchen, so I learned quite a bit watching her. I think the first recipe she let me attempt on my own was Salmon Patties. I was so proud that I was able to make dinner for the family, LOL. I still make them today and they are one of my children’s favorite foods.


    • What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (17)

      Tabitha (A Penny Saved)on January 18, 2011 at 11:29 am

      @Cindy, so funny! You made me remember my first experience with salmon patties. I opened up the can of salmon and saw bones and gagged so hard! My mother had to fix our dinner that night because I was too sick to finish.


  13. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (18)

    Carol@easytobeglutenfreeon January 18, 2011 at 10:47 am

    I can’t remember the first thing I cooked but I do remember my first cookbook – a Bisquick cookbook. I think I made almost every recipe in it.


  14. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (19)

    Mandyon January 18, 2011 at 11:06 am

    The first “real” recipe I can remember making, besides boxed mixes for cookies or brownies, was a “from scratch” Coconut Cream Cake, homemade frosting and all. It was my grandfather’s favorite, and it was for his last Christmas with us! Special memories and still one of our favorite desserts! 🙂


  15. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (20)

    Tabitha (A Penny Saved)on January 18, 2011 at 11:27 am

    Not counting the use of the HUGE microwave we got when I was in the fourth grade, the first thing I learned to cook from scratch was spaghetti and meat sauce. I would toss a cooked noodle against the wall and if it stuck, I knew they were ready. The recipe actually called for MSG! I was in the sixth grade.


  16. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (21)

    janon January 18, 2011 at 11:37 am

    Wow, I can NOT remember my first recipe I made by myself. Something happens after 45, sorry 🙂 But I linked up to something that was one of the first things I made when I really really started to cook dinners all the time … that Hubby actually liked the first time around! 🙂


  17. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (22)

    G.on January 18, 2011 at 11:37 am

    I remember the first dinner I ruined. 🙂 I was 19 and was living with my dad at the time and I wanted to make dinner for him and his girlfriend (now wife). It was a chicken dish with rice and a veggie. Simple right? Well, I nearly burnt the chicken, the rice was undercooked. At least the veggies were ok. But, that’s how I learned. Trial and error and the food network! 🙂 My mom said when I was younger she couldn’t even get me to make a box of mac and cheese for my brother and I and now I LOVE to cook, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Go figure. 🙂


  18. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (23)

    Lisaon January 18, 2011 at 11:48 am

    The first thing I ever made myself was mini cherry cheesecake tarts. I think I also made brownies from scratch using an old children’s cookbook. Just linked up with chicken divan.


  19. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (24)

    marion January 18, 2011 at 11:59 am

    I am 56 yrs old and “My First Cookbook” was a freebie from Imperial Sugar when I was 6. I made “Sweet and Peanut Buttery Sandwiches”. When I was 10, I got to take a cooking class at the electric company and it was called the “Reddy Killowatt Cooking School” I still have both of the books and I still make the corn muffins from the Reddy Killowatt book. I don’t really refer to them anymore, but I surely cherish them as my first adventures in the kitchen.


  20. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (25)

    Rebecca Con January 18, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    My parents did not cook often when I was growing up. My mom taught me two recipes, though I don’t know which came first. When I got married the only 2 recipes I knew were scrambled eggs and spaghetti, and neither of them I cooked well.


  21. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (26)

    Alex at a moderate lifeon January 18, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Jen, I just had a similar discussion with my brother about how few people know how to cook. I know my mother and grandmother taught me a lot of traditional cooking and then I was married by 23 so I have been cooking for a long time. I just posted up a recipe that my daugher and her cousin cooked for me this weekend for breakfast that they created on their own. Teaching kids to cook is not only fun, but it helps them be more self sufficient and independent in the long run. This week, I am linking up a recipe for whole wheat buttermilk biscuits that were divine. all the best! Alex


  22. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (27)

    Debbieon January 18, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    My first, all-by-myself cooking event, was potato salad — with 10 pounds of potatoes! We had potato salad for DAYS! I think I was 9 or 10 years old.


  23. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (28)

    Heidion January 18, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    The first thing I remember making was chocolate chip cookies from the recipe in Betty Crocker’s Kids Cookbook. I just finally found the recipe again late last year and made them for the first time in 20 years. They were as awesome as I remember them being!


  24. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (29)

    Janieon January 18, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    The first thing I ever cooked was one of those cake mixes from the little bake oven. (heated with a light bulb!)
    The first thing “real” thing I ever made on my own was Breakfast for my dad-scrambled eggs, cooked using a recipe from the Little Golden book (I think it was My First Cookbook) . I was 7 years old.


  25. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (30)

    Bethon January 18, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    I have always helped my mom around the kitchen, but I first began independent cooking in 3rd grade while taking a 4-H project, “Let’s Begin Cooking.” If I recall correctly, the first dish I made was scrambled eggs with cheese and hotdogs. Doesn’t sound good to me now, but I think I was pretty excited back then.


  26. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (31)

    THERESA Eon January 18, 2011 at 9:53 pm



  27. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (32)

    Tabbyon January 18, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    I first made bisquick cinnamon rolls and only because my parents were gone out for the evening. I think I was a tad bit of a perfectionist and scared of failure. I was around 14 years old and this quickly became my one and only specialty! Cooking has since become my creative outlet and favorite hobby.


  28. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (33)

    Inspired2cookon January 18, 2011 at 11:56 pm

    Two of the first recipes I made when I was in elementary school were baked alaska and orange julius. I haven’t made them in a bazillion years but I still remember them. 🙂


  29. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (34)

    Annon January 19, 2011 at 12:59 am

    I love seeing all this food, makes me very hungry though!
    Honoring The King


  30. What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (35)

    Queen of the Houseon January 19, 2011 at 9:38 am

    This is not a recipe I used when I was a child, but it is a recipe that would be an easy one for first time cooks….it is so fun to knead the dough, and the olive oil in it, helps it not to be such a sticky dough, which can be so frustrating (even for this mom!) 😉
    P.S. I think I will have my 8 year old help me with this one tonight! 🙂


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What's the First Recipe You Learned to Cook? - Jen Schmidt (2024)


What is reading through the recipe an important first step in preparing to cook? ›

Read Through Entire Recipe

Some recipes will list ingredients that need to be divided and the portions used at separate times in the cooking process, so reading the recipe all the way through first will assure you will not make a mistake during preparation.

When you get a recipe, what are the first things you do? ›

First, you take the recipe that you intend to cook and read it thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the timing, techniques, equipment, and ingredients you will need. Second, you pull all of the necessary equipment and arrange it near your cooking station, so that it is at the ready.

What is the first step when you receive a recipe? ›

How to Read & Follow a Recipe
  1. Read the recipe. Take a good look at the recipe. ...
  2. Know the assumptions. ...
  3. Figure out the timing. ...
  4. Plan ahead. ...
  5. Bone up on new techniques. ...
  6. Mise en place is your friend. ...
  7. Lay out your tools, too. ...
  8. Make notes or highlight.

What is the first step before starting to cook from any recipe? ›

Gather all the ingredients before you start to make sure you have everything you need. Nothing is more upsetting than to get halfway through a recipe and realize you are missing a key ingredient. You can even measure them all out before you start cooking.

What is the most important step in a recipe? ›

List ingredients in chronological order. The ingredients list is one of the most important parts of a recipe, and it should be listed in the order that it will appear in the directions list. Make sure to be specific and list exact amounts needed; and include the state of ingredients (i.e., frozen, softened, melted).

What is the most important step in following a recipe? ›

Most experts say the golden rule is to read the entire recipe through before starting. "I read it through twice if there's anything that's confusing," says caterer Sarah Mayoh, who also develops and tests recipes for magazines and cookbooks.

What is the first step in developing recipes for menu items currently produced? ›

Step #1: Recipe idea generation

This step in any new recipe development process is about finding inspiration and creating original ideas for new dishes. Once you know what direction your client wants to take, choose a theme or concept for your recipe development project.

What is step by step directions in a recipe? ›

The steps are listed in the exact order you'd go about executing them. Every step tells you exactly what you need to do with specific details — when you should execute a step (“once onions and peppers are soft”), specific heat (“medium heat”), and how to serve the dish, for instance. It's clear and uncluttered.

What is the first step when calculating the as served cost of a recipe? ›

To calculate the food cost, you need to know the cost of your ingredients, along with how much of each ingredient is used in your dish. You take the cost of your ingredients and then you break it down into units, such as per ounce or per egg. You then multiply these per-unit prices by the number of units you use.

What is the first cooked food? ›

A recent study found what could be the earliest known evidence of ancient cooking: the leftovers of a fish dinner from 780,000 years ago. Cooking helped change our ancestors. It helped fuel our evolution and gave us bigger brains.

What is a first cook? ›

First Cook. Under the direction of the management team consisting of the Food & Beverage Manager and Executive Chef, the fundamental duties of the First Cook include responsibility for basic food preparation such as salads, sandwiches, pizzas to more complex tasks like roasting and banquet preparations.

Why is it important to read through a recipe before starting? ›

It is important to read the whole recipe before you begin cooking. This helps you know how the dish is made. All recipes start with the name of the dish. Next will come the ingredients needed.

Why should you always read the recipe in its entirety first? ›

Always read the recipe all the way through

Reading the recipe in its entirety helps establish that you have everything that's called for, adds Tipton-Martin, and prevents you from being surprised by a step.

Why is it important to analyze a recipe before making it? ›

Calculating the nutrient content of foods can be a cost-effective alternative to chemical analysis. This method, commonly referred to as recipe analysis or nutritional calculation, estimates nutrient content based on the quantity and composition of each ingredient, taking account of changes during processing.

Should you read the recipe all the way through before preparing? ›

Read the recipe first.

Please, read carefully before you do anything — even before you've decided to actually make the thing! Read the recipe all the way to the end. Ideally, you'll read it multiple times. The effort is well spent.

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