You're Mine - Chapter 4 - emo_central - Jake Webber x Johnnie Guilbert (2024)

Chapter Text

Jake's pov:When we get to the Burger King, the drive thru is closed for maintenance. I look over at Johnnie knowing that he's going to dread this. He throws his head back on the head rest of his seat, "Hey, you don't have to come in with me." I tell him in a somewhat soothing voice. "Mm, no," he says as he rubs his eyes, " I'll go in with you, I haven't been here in forever and I don't know what I want yet." I look at him, contemplating for a second, before opening the car door while saying, "Alright let's go loser." He giggles a little while opening his own side's door and getting out, following close behind me inside. Inside, there's only one other person, a girl who's waiting for her food at the pick up counter. We go up to the register, and wait for someone to come. Johnnie lets out an annoyed huff behind me, "Dude, there's no one here, how long does it take for someone to come out and take our order? I'm hungry, cold, and tired." He complains quietly, groaning in annoyance again. " I know, this is crazy, let's go sit down, and here." I hand him my sweater. "Jake, you're wearing a cropped f*cking tank top, no, keep your sweater... also I'm not a child, you don't need to do something everytime I complain." The last part makes me audibly gasp. I go to speak, opening my mouth, but then close it again with a confused and partially hurt expression on my face. Finally, after a few seconds, I put my sweater back on and mumble, "You're right, tell me what you want to eat and go sit down." I say avoiding eye contact. He sighs, "I just want a Junior Whopper, fries, and a drink," he says before going over to a booth and sitting down with his arms crossed and his head down. I stay waiting at the register, zoning out, confused and hurt.

Johnnie's pov:I don't know why I snapped at a Jake, but I did and I feel bad. I should be grateful that he's doing so much for me. I should apologize to him. I should never ask him for things. He's too good to me for me to act like this towards him. I make a silent promise to never talk to him like that again and to apologize to him on the way home. I sit down in the booth with my head down and my arms crossed. A little while later, I hear someone shuffle into the booth. O fcourse I think it's Jake so I look up with a smile as I say "Finally, lover boy." But when I see who's in front of me, my face drops. It's a random guy, Jake is now over by the pick up counter. The guy in front of me is kind of attractive, blue eyes, curly sandy hair, a strong jaw. But something is off about him.. I can feel it. "I just sat down and I'm being called nicknames? Well, I knew I liked you." He says creepily. I respond defensively with, "Woah, I have no idea who you are, I thought you were my.." I clear my throat, "my boyfriend." I say boyfriend, and nod over to Jake, hoping that once the guy sees how big he is he walks off. But he doesn't, he looks back over to me with a wicked grin, "You're pretty, you know that? I bet you'd be even prettier underneath me." I feel a hand grab my thigh from under the table. I move it, trying to make him release his grip, but it just tightens and moves higher up my thigh, dangerously close to my privates. I laugh nervously, "Heh, like I said, I have a boyfriend, so no. Thanks though?" His eyes turn dark, his face tightening into a stern glare."Don't f*cking tell me no. I'm a tired traveler who just wants to hook up. It's not like he has to know." I clear my throat softly, "Look, I said no, I don't care who you are, you can't make someone sleep with you." I tell him in a low voice. He moves his hand over my crotch, and uses his other hand to reach for mine from under the table to move it over his crotch which is rock hard. I try to pull back but he tightens his grip. "But I sure as f*ck will."He moves his hand over my crotch tighter- painfully tighter- making me knee the table along with letting out a small whimper. The sudden movement makes him let go of my hand but not my crotch. Luckily, the clatter of the napkin containter gets Jake's attention.

Jake's pov:When I hear a clatter from behind me, I see that a guy has slipped into the booth across from Johnnie. I see the guy's hand over Johnnie's crotch, and Johnnie's face is hidden by his long hair.. A huge wave of jealousy washes over me, and I start stalking over to them. I put a smile on my face - even if it's the opposite of what I'm feeling - and loudly slam my hands down on the table. Both of them jump. The guy's eyes widen as he looks at me, Johnnie's head is still down, but is facing towards me. I slide into the booth next to the stranger and lean on him obnoxiously. "Sooo, Johnnie, who's your friend?" I ask in a false friendly tone. He just shakes his head while keeping down. "Well then, nice to meet you sir. I'm going to give to the count of three to get your hand off of my boyfriend's crotch before I break your other one." I grip his hand tightly and start to grip it tighter while bening it back slightly, "1..." I crack his knuckles, "2..." I push his knuckles towards the back of his hand, "3..." I fully push all of his fingers back, making him yelp in pain. "OKAY OKAY" he lifts his other hand out from under the table and shows it to me, panicking trying to break his hand out of my grip. I let go after a few more seconds. He holds his now almost broken hand with his other one in his lap, on the brink of tears, "Dude, you broke my hand, you f*cking broke my hand." "I didn't break your hand, I'm not f*cking stupid. But it will be bruised for a while." The stranger gets up and leaves.I turn to Johnnie,"Let's go." I growl. He pops up out of the booth, "What about the fo-?" he starts to ask, "You'll f*cking get food." I bark back. He whimpers in response, the noise goes right to my crotch. He walks quickly out of the restaurant, me following close behind him. My eyes wander down his body, to his ass, and I imagine myself ramming into it.

By the time we're in the car, I'm rock hard again. I pull out of the parking lot and start driving home a lot faster than the speed limit. The car is quiet until Johhnie asks, "Jake, you just wasted money on food... what's wrong?" he asks hesitantly. I keep my eyes on the road, "Nothings wrong." I mumble back. I half expect him to to keep asking but he just asks, "Is this because that guy was flirting with me? Because, I promise I wasn't-" I cut him off again. "I don't care." I say sternly. He whimpers again, "Dude, I'm sorry." I smirk slightly, "You're going to be." I don't say anything else, and plan on how I'm going to have him when we get home. How I'm going to destroy him fom the inside.

When we get home, he's the first out of the car. I follow close behind him again up to the door. When he opens the door, I shove him inside. "Dude, what the fu-?" I cut his question off again, but this time, I spin him around, pin him to the wall, and bring my my knee up between his legs. Then I smash my lips against his. I half expect him to push me away and tell me I'm disgusting.. but he doesn't even hesitate to immediately kiss me back. He moans into the kiss. My co*ck gets harder at his sounds, and because of the wy he's falling apart just from a kiss. I swipe my tongue over his lips, he opens them and I take control, my tongue exploring his mouth, and his exploring mine. He starts grinding down on my knee, so I raise it a little higher, because how can I refuse. He grinds down harder, making me groan. He pulls away from the kiss first, panting with a string of saliva still connecting our lips. "Jake..uhnn...f*" He still avoids eye contact. "Not yet baby" as I say it he finally looks up at me in my eyes. His once icy blue eyes are now dark with lust. "Jake.. f*ck me." He grinds down harder. "Fu-uck, fine, you asked for it." I grab him and push him over to the couch, "No, my room." I shake my head, "Later, you're going to cum at least once before I take you to your room." He whimpers at my words- I love that I can make him whimper with just words. I push him down onto the couch and pull down his pants along with his boxers. I move my hand down to his co*ck which is already leaking with precum and is rock hard. I rub my thumb through his slit, which makes him let out a loud p*rnographic moan. I rub the precum around his shaft, and start pumping my hand. He moans again, but covers his mouth and tilts his head back. I go up and kiss his hand, then move his hand off of his mouth. "Don't hide those, I like them." I kiss down his jawline, down his neck, and down his torso, leaving love bites. I move my hand up and down his shaft faster, then I kiss the tip, which wins another moan out of Johnnie, "Close...Jake" he whines out. I slowly go down on his co*ck, sturggling to fit it all the way in. I choke back a gag when he thrusts up his hips, making it hit the back of my throat. I think about pinning his hips down, but I let him throat f*ck me. I swirl my tongue around and hollow my cheeks out as he does. Tears form in the corner of my eyes as he goes harder and faster, trying to keep myself from gagging. I go to pull away to get some breath, but he grabs my hair and pushes me back down harder. f*cking my face faster and harder. He c*ms with a loud groan down my throat, and I swallow it all. He gets up and walks in front of me, I lean back on the arm of the couch. I push him down to his knees, and gets right to work. He licks from the base of my shaft to the tip before taking it all in his mouth at once. I feel myself hit the back of his throat, but he doesn't even flinch, he keeps going at a steady pace, but it's too slow. Because I want to be slamming into him within the next 10 minutes or else I feel like I'll never do it. I grab his head and start face f*cking him hard. All that fills the house are the sounds of my loud moans and his whimpers. I start thrusting sloppily as I feel the familiar tightness grow bigger in my core. I cum hard down his throat with a loud moan. He leans back, glancing up at me through his hair with a sexed out smile. I help him up and kiss him. He wraps his legs around my waist as I stand up. He starts rolling his hips down as I walk him to his room, "You're going to regret that," I half groan. He smiles wryly and says, "I hope so." I slam his down on his bed. I look in his nightstand for something to tie his hands together and see black rope. I pull it out, holding it up to him, "I f*cking knew you were kinky." He turns his head the other way as I see a blush spread on his face. I flip him on his stomach, tie one of his hands to the bed post and leave the other free. "Tap me twice if you need to slow down, the safe word is red." He looks at me half expectantly, half curious. I go back in his drawer and see an apple box. I take it out, hoping to find a gag or something, but instead when I open it, I see a vibrator. Johnnie's eyes widen, "That's-that's nothing, put it back.." I look over at him, "No, I'm going to have fun with this on you... Condoms?" "They're in the bathroom... but I'm clean." he mumbles the last part but I hear it clear as day. "Me too, and you know, I've only fantasized about feeling you skin on skin, soo f*ck it." He whines at my response, which makes my dick fully hard again. I rub the precum from my tip, down my shaft, and spit on my hand before stroking myself a few more times. "There should be lube in there too," I hear Johnnie say from on the bed. I get in bed behind him, he sets his ass up in the air. I slap it roughly, winning a yelp and deep moan from him,"I told you, you were going to regret that little stunt you pulled on the way in here. No prep, no lube."

Johnnie's pov (short af): I honestly never thought that Jake was this kinky. I know that he has handcuffs in his room, but I never thought that he would be this kinky.... and I never thought that I would like this level of it. But the way his demeanor changed after that guy, I just melted. I'm under his trance, and I don't want to get out. I do get a little nervous when he says no prep and no lube, but a rush of adrenaline and anticipation goes through me too. So I just make a mental note to tease him a little when I want more.

Jake's pov: "Are you absolutely sure?" I ask him. "I want you to f*ck me so hard, I forget my name." He responds immediately. I take his ass in my hands, line up, and thrust into him. His tightness makes me moan deep from my throat. He tugs his tied arm and grips his sheets with his free hand. He buries his face in his pillows as he moans and whimpers uncontrollably.I keep sinking in until my hips meet his, fully bottoming out.After a little while, he starts rolling his hips partially up and down. "Use your words sweetheart." "You can move." he says, turning his head to the side. I pull out until just the tip is in, before slamming back into him, making him grip his sheets again as he lets out a high moan, "f*ck YES" he yells. I grin and start thrusting fast, deep, and steadily into him. I groan at the feeling of stretching out his tight ass. The sound of skin on skin and our moans fill the room. He pants and whimpers softly as I continue thrusting into him. I lean over him so his back that's started to form beads of sweat is against my already sweaty torso to have more contact which helps me thrust deeper into him. I grab his free hand and bring it down to his stomach, pressing it so he feels me inside of him. He moans louder when he feels the head of my co*ck hit his prostate. "Mmm, f*ck right there.. please daddy, f*cking please." The way he begs almost sends me over the edge right then and there. The tight feeling in my core comes back, so I turn on the vibrator, and bring it up to the base of his co*ck. He shakes underneath me and arches his back into me, "Hah hah, f*ck... I'm close." He moans from underneath me. "Mm, me too.. f*ck.. cum with me baby." I moan out as I lift my torso off of his back to start thrusting harder and sloppier inside of him. I hit his prostate a few more times before he c*ms on the sheets below him with a deep throaty p*rnographic moan which send me over the edge too, cumming hard and deep inside of him. Matching his loud moan. I pull out, then move my tongue down his ass to lap up all of my cum. Then I kiss him, letting him taste my cum for the second time tonight. Finally, I untie him. He goes to lay down but I stop him. "I'm not done with you yet. I'm going to make you cum harder than ever before tonight." His eyes widen and a blush spreads across his face again. He's hard again and it only takes for him to stroke me a few times, before I'm hard again. I lay down on the bed, guiding him on top of me. I hold his hips, guiding him down onto my co*ck. He moans, then shivers fully before collapsing against my stomach. "Hey,if you need to stop we can." I rub his back soothingly. "Mmn no, I want to ride you." He pushes himself up. "Are you sure? We can stop, I'm fully satisfied." I lie. "I don't want to be able to walk tomorrow." He snaps back. I grab his hips again, lift him up slightly, then slam him back down. I let out a whimper moan. Johnnie smirks before taking control, and starting to bounce up and down on my dick. He looks so beautiful riding me. He's biting his lip with his head tilted back, exposing his glistening neck. For some reason, I can't keep my composure as well as before, because I'm moaning and whimpering- no one has ever made me whimper. He keeps bouncing on my co*ck, slowly going farther down and faster. When he lets out another throaty moan, I know he hit his prostate. I grab his co*ck and start stroking him in sync with his bounces. He goes faster, making me whimper and pant faster. After a while he rolls his hips down on my co*ck just right, making me release inside of him again. He c*ms in my hand and on both of our torsos. He raises up off of me, then collapses again on top of me. "That was probably the best sex I've ever had," he huffs out in exhaustion. "Probably? Well, looks like I'll have to f*ck you harder tomorrow." I smile at myself. "You promise?" he asks me jokingly. I kiss his forehead, wrapping my arms around him, as we lay in our sticky mess.

You're Mine - Chapter 4 - emo_central - Jake Webber x Johnnie Guilbert (2024)


How long have Jake and Tara been dating? ›

Jake and Tara dated for almost five years before announcing their split in August 2023 — and though most influencer breakups are at least a little bit messy, the pair handled it with grace.

Do Jake and Johnny still live together? ›

jake on X: "no me and johnnie aren't living together after the lease he's moving back to uganda" / X.

What age is Jake Webber? ›

Jake Weber
BornJake T. Weber 12 March 1963 London, England
EducationMiddlebury College (BA) Juilliard School (GrDip)
Years active1989–present
4 more rows

What age is Tara Yummy? ›

Q: How old is Tara Yummy? A: Tara Yummy is currently 23 years old, born on July 31, 2000.

Who is Jake Weber related to? ›

Through his English maternal grandmother, Weber is a great-grandson of politician Sir William Ernest George Archibald Weigall, 1st Baronet and his wife, Grace Emily (née Blundell Maple), and a great-great-grandson of business magnate Sir John Blundell Maple, 1st Baronet and wife, Emily Harriet Merryweather.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.